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Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

Millie Quint is devastated when she discovers that her sort-of-best friend/sort-of-girlfriend has been kissing someone else. And because Millie cannot stand the thought of confronting her ex every day, she decides to apply for scholarships to boarding schools . . . the farther from Houston the better.

Millie can't believe her luck when she's accepted into one of the world's most exclusive schools, located in the rolling highlands of Scotland. Everything about Scotland is different: the country is misty and green; the school is gorgeous, and the students think Americans are cute.

The only problem: Mille's roommate Flora is a total princess.

She's also an actual princess. Of Scotland.

At first, the girls can barely stand each other--Flora is both high-class and high-key--but before Millie knows it, she has another sort-of-best-friend/sort-of-girlfriend. Even though Princess Flora could be a new chapter in her love life, Millie knows the chances of happily ever afters are slim . . . after all, real life isn't a fairy tale . . . or is it?


It was good for a bit. Could be better. It was easy to understand and the plot was good. I met a few of her hometown friends, it was good. But eventually, things began to fall apart; and I didn’t even notice. 🚨🚨

When she met her roommate; spoiler alert, the princess; it was… How do I put it? Weird. Imagine this. A 17-year-old girl; PRINCESS; screaming and pouting at her GUARD over stupid things. I would be so confused and annoyed at the same time. Anyway, as the book went on, the princess got annoying and the plot was.. strange. And it was very climatic, Everything happened at a fast pace, and I couldn’t understand what was going on. The plot was good, though, and the characters had interesting traits that I enjoyed.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5

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