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Becoming Me: Diary of a Teenage Girl #1 by Melody Carlson

Updated: Sep 21, 2021

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

In the fictional Diary of a Teenage Girl, sixteen-year-old Caitlin O'Conner reveals the inner workings of a girl caught between childhood and womanhood ... an empty life without Christ and a meaningful one with Him. Through Caitlin's candid journal entries we see her grapple with such universal teen issues as peer pressure, loyalty, conflict with parents, the longing for a boyfriend, and her own spirituality. Readers will laugh and cry with Caitlin as she struggles toward self-discovery and understanding God's plan for her life. And they'll be deeply moved by her surprising commitment regarding dating.

Follow Caitlin O'Conner, a girl much like yourself, as she makes her way from New Year's to the first day of summer -- surviving a challenging home life, changing friends, school pressures, an identity crisis, and the uncertainties of "true love."

You'll cry with Caitlin as she experiences heartache, and cheer for her as she encounters a new reality in her life: God. See how rejection by one group can -- incredibly -- sometimes lead you to discover who you really are...


This was really good!

For my second Christian novel I've ever read, this is surprisingly good.

I've noticed that when people hear a book is a Christian novel, they back away from it; probably because it seems boring. This highlights that not all of them are!

It starts off with Caitlin not really enjoying have writing in this journal because well, it seems boring. But as we continue reading, we notice that she's really invested some time towards it. Not only does this book include her connecting with god, but it also has a few problems any other teenager may have. Whether or not to be celibate, boy problems, dealing with grief, and so on. So, for those who believe that all Christian books don't have relatable topics, this is for you. Because this is definitely something that changed my mind. Oh my goodness, I think I just got interested into the series!


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