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Before Dawn by Laura F. Murphy

Quick Synopsis

Feisty New Yorker, Max, falls for her mysterious coworker, Tommy, who is fourteen years her senior. Wanting to please him and meet his beauty standards she conflictingly conceals her natural hair from him and avoids tanning so her skin doesn’t get too dark. Max tightly holds onto their forbidden romance while trying to figure out who she is and her place in a world she doesn’t always fit in. Too caught up with her feelings she becomes oblivious to the consequences of her actions. As tragedy strikes Max has to face her own worst enemy, herself.


We have recieved an ARC copy of this book, and this does not impact the review at all. All statements and exclaims are our thoughts and opinions, and only our thoughts and opinions. Thank You.


I throughly enjoyed this, to be honest.

The introduction into the novel, we're brought to a prologue about our main character, Max, seeming to be chased by a cop. This is just foreshadowing to introduce and hopefully, bring your attention towards the book. May I say that this definetely brought my attention!

I really enjoyed this fairly through, and although the first chapter wasn't really interesting, I kept pushing through and very quickly found myself speeding through. I love the main charcter, Max, as we get to watch her grow over time. She's gone through alot, causing an adored trait to pop up: Resilient. Her boyfriend (idk if I call him her boyfriend or not) Tommy, had manipulated her a mulitide of times, especially through her becoming an affair. (like whattt 😲) Through and through, it's very difficult for Max to get out of the situation, espicaslly with how Tom commonly was, which is what I like about this author.

Laura seemed to really grab the essence of a manipulator, along with the victim, who seems to be unable to get out.

I really enjoyed the plot of the book, along with character introduction and development. I mean, like come on, we were introduced to beginning Tommy in the most interesting way possible!

And the way this was written allows for us (the readers) to overall, watch Max grow more and more as a person. These are the types of books that enjoy.

And to end the review off, I give this five stars. Amazing character development, introduction, resiliancy, and plot flow. Really recommend. :))


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1 Comment

Dr Z
Dr Z
Oct 25, 2022

Max the main character remind s me of what is actually happening today-people trying to just fit in and not really knowing who they truly are. Thank you I enjoyed the synopsis😍

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