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Black History Month Day 17: Marie M. Daly


Marie M. Daly was born April 16, 1921, in Queens, New York.

When Marie graduated from Hunter College High School. she attended Queens College in Flushing, New York. She graduated with honors in 1942, and earned money to later attend graduate school.

Later on, she graduated with a degree in Chemistry from New York University.

With Marie being a hard worker, she finished her master's degree in only a year! Then in 1944, enrolled at Columbia University as a doctoral student.

1947, Marie took lab, unknowing she was making history as the first African American to receive a Ph.D. in Chemistry in the United States. Later on in 1948, Daly landed a grant from the American Cancer Society.

In 1955, Marie worked with Dr. Quentin B. Deming to find the cause of heart attacks, and later DID find the cause.

She also taught biochemistry courses at Albert Einstein College.

In 1986, Marie retired from Einstein.

October 23, 2003, Marie M. Daly passed away due to cancer at the age of 82.


Marie, The Fantastic Biochemist: Marie Maynard Daly, The First African American Woman to Earn a Chemistry Ph.D.

Marie Maynard Daly was the first African American woman to earn a doctorate in Chemistry. She discovered the link between high cholesterol and heart disease. Learn about this fascinating pioneer! Expose your little girl to a strong determined female scientist to build self esteem early! Exposure to STEM ideas at an early age can be the building blocks to an interest in science as your daughter grows, which is exactly how Marie Daly became inspired when she was a little girl.


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Dr Z
Dr Z
Feb 17, 2023

That is phenomenal that she completed her masters in a year, it took me 2. I did not know she was associated with finding out the cause of heart 💜 attacks. Thank you awesome post.

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