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Black History Month Day 14: Zora Neale Hurston


Zora Neale Hurston was born January 7, 1891, in Notasulga, Alabama.

As a small child, she moved to Eatonville. She then attended school there until she was 13.

Her mother passed away in 1904, when Zora was 13.

"That hour began my wonderings."

She then attended Howard University from 1921 to 1924, eventually winning a scholarship to Barnard College, studying Anthropology under Franz Boas.

She graduated from Barnard in 1928.

1930, Zora collaborated with Hughes on a play (never finished) Mule Bone: A comedy of Negro Life in Three Acts. It was published posthumously in 1991.

1934, Hurston published her first novel, Jonah's Gourd Vine. She then continued to publish 4 more works afterward.

January 28, 1960, Zora Neale Hurston passed away due to Heart disease at the age of 69.

Her work wasn't recognized as much as it is now, but now that it is, she's one of the most known black authors.


I Love Myself When I Am Laughing: And Then Again by Zora Neale Hurston

The most prolific African-American woman author from 1920 to 1950, Hurston was praised for her writing and condemned for her independence, arrogance, and audaciousness. This unique anthology, with fourteen superb examples of her fiction, journalism, folklore, and autobiography, rightfully establishes her as the intellectual and spiritual leader of the next generation of black writers. The original commentary by Alice Walker and Mary Helen Washington, two African-American writers in the forefront of the Hurston revival, provide illuminating insights into Hurston—the writer, and the person—as well as into American social and cultural history.

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

Fair and long-legged, independent and articulate, Janie Crawford sets out to be her own person -- no mean feat for a black woman in the '30s. Janie's quest for identity takes her through three marriages and into a journey back to her roots.

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2 commentaires

Dr Z
Dr Z
15 févr. 2023

I read their eyes were watching GOD, great book.

Thank you


Dr Z
Dr Z
09 févr. 2022

Awesome book Their eyes were watching GOD

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