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Cat and Mouse by James Patterson

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

Alex Cross is back-and so is a raging and suicidal Gary Soneji. Out of prison and dying from the AIDS virus he contracted there, he will get revenge on Cross before he dies. In addition, we are introduced to a new pair of rivals whose paths cross that of Alex and Soneji. Thomas Augustine Pierce has been chasing his demon, Mr. Smith, since the savage murder of his fiancee. Mr. Smith is a unique monster, with actions toward his victims so insane-so unimaginable-that he is thought of as "not of the earth." Pierce, known in the business as St. Augustine because of his track record for catching killers and his invaluable status to the FBI and Interpol, may even be better than Cross. When things heat up and Alex is in a near-death coma following an attack in his own home, Pierce goes to Washington to help with the investigation. But just as he begins to piece together the mystery of how Gary Soneji could have mortally wounded Cross after he was believed to be dead, he is summoned to Paris with a postcard from Mr. Smith inviting him to a very special killing. The body count is high, the tension the highest, and the two killers on the loose are watching every move their pursuers make. Who is the cat, and who is the mouse? What and where is the final trap? And who survives?


DNF at 69%

Here's why:

See, I was enjoying it. I really was. Reading it back to back, and having it be my only priority for the past day. The plot is really good, and the characters are nice to know. Having different scenes, classic James. BUT. What got me was when we was dying.

I had noticed I still had MANY pages to continue reading, so I figured he'd come back to life. We go into the next section, and get introduced to a doctor; Thomas Pierce. I enjoyed meeting this character. Until I accidentally skipped pages.

I had accidentally taken out my bookmark, so shuffling through the pages I see



I had bumped into a scene where another MAIN CHARACTER was yet killed away?!

I had good hopes for this book. I thought we were with this character for a small amount of time, and we'd return to alex. THATS NOT WHAT HAPPENED. I met yet ANOTHER character; Who I'm pretty sure is gonna die as well; instead.


I had high hopes for you, James. I have loved every single one of your books, clearly until now. But I'm not going to judge TOO Much. This is one of his older writing, and i can see he has progressed alittle bit in the past few years, so I give him credit for that. But overall, this book was pretty good, a good plot and characters, but VERY fast-paced towards the end. (kinda like he was running out of time to write this novel?)


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