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Follow Your Arrow by Jessica Verdi

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

CeCe is famous. Well, internet famous. But it's the same thing, isn't it? Anyway. Everything is going well until Silvie, her girlfriend of one year, breaks up with her. Not only did she break up with her, but she'd been thinking about doing it for 3 months. 3. Months. 3 Months ago, they'd put their name on the bridge with a lock, initialed 'Celvie'. After Silvie ends everything, CeCe is soon put into a very uncomfortable situation, having to explain to all of her followers that there is no more 'Celvie'. Just CeCe. Planning on not getting into a relationship for a while, that changes. At least, when she meets Josh. Josh loves music. CeCe doesn't know much about music. Josh hates Social Media. CeCe loves Social Media - Better yet, her life IS social media. So soon, one thing becomes clear: Don't Tell Josh about Anything. They become acquaintances, friends, then alittle more than friends. But when she's seen with Josh, everything comes spiraling downwards, Josh coming along with her.


This is now a favorite. I loved this book, and I think it was a very good plot. CeCe had her moments. Her small moments, in which made me mad. Like, when she kept on caring what people thought. In my mind, if this happened to me, I would keep on threatening to leave social media, lol. My toxicity would automatically come out. I think this book also has its own kind of theme/lesson learned. I noticed that the theme is more than likely 'Don't pay attention to what people think of you.' because that's what I've learned the most. But I really do not want to spoil the book for anyone planning on reading this in the future, so I'm keeping it short. But I do recommend for you to read, and you will enjoy it. A. Lot.


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