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How We Fall by Kate Brauning

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

Ever since Jackie moved to her uncle's sleepy farming town, she's been flirting way too much--and with her own cousin, Marcus.

Her friendship with him has turned into something she can't control, and he's the reason Jackie lost track of her best friend, Ellie, who left one knows where. Now Ellie has been missing for months, and the police, fearing the worst, are searching for her body. Swamped with guilt and the knowledge that acting on her love for Marcus would tear their families apart, Jackie pushes her cousin away. The plan is to fall out of love, and, just as she hoped he would, Marcus falls for the new girl in town. But something isn't right about this stranger, and Jackie's suspicions about the new girl's secrets only drive the wedge deeper between Jackie and Marcus--and deepens Jackie's despair.

Then Marcus is forced to pay the price for someone else's lies as the mystery around Ellie's disappearance starts to become horribly clear. Jackie has to face terrible choices. Can she leave her first love behind, and can she go on living with the fact that she failed her best friend?


I would like to throw this book at the author, straight up just in the forehead. Why? BECAUSE SHE DESERVES IT.

First up, I would LOVE to comment on the fact that the main reason I'd picked this book up was to know where the best friend had gone. Now can my friends and I infer that the new girl has something to do with her? Yes, yes we can. Now, back to why I give this book a one star rating.

When I tell you this reminds me of The Thousandth Floor by Katherine McGee.

NOPE THAT ONE WAS WORSE. But anywhoo. It wasn't that bad at first. They held hands, careessed each others' thigh (ew), and etc. Sounds bad, but compared to what others write, it's definetely not that bad. I'd only gotten to page 10 when I decided to return this to my SCHOOL (wow, SCHOOL)'s library. What was going on was:

Jackie and Marcus had almost been caught holding hands behind the stand that the both of them were monitoring. Marcus got nervous and deciding to "ignore" her, I guess you could say, and dodge her the rest of the time they were there. She eventually had done the same thing. He felt "hurt" and thought to bring her to a cornfield where the proceded to almost have sex.


Therefore, I had closed the book shut, went to my teacher and asked "May I go to the library?" He nodded yes, I grabbed my stuff, and dipped. Dropped that book in the bin and checked out another one, which you guys will see a review for soon.

What is BEYOND ME is that people found this interesting? Called it "Forbidden Love". YA'LL ARE PYSCHO. Forbidden love shouldn't be within a family or blood-related prospects. PERIOD.

So to top the cherry...

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