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The Way I Used to Be by Amber Smith

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

𝘚𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘳-𝘍𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘚𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴

Eden never thought she'd be in this situation. Yet, personally know the person who did it.

Eden woke up to find herself packed between her bed and her brothers' friend, him panting and ushering her to shut up. He covered her mouth, preventing her from screaming; as if she even was able to in the first place.

Before all of this happened, she was happy.

Keyword: Was.

From when she first enjoyed the small, happy things in life, she now hates them all. From who she was, and what she did when she WAS who she was- she hates it all - because she thinks its going to cause what happened the night before to happen again.

So as you read throughout this book, you get to see the viewpoints on how this affects her. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior Years. How it still lingers within her. How it still haunts her to the day she graduates. How she believes everything will affect her. Thoughts whirling through her mind, not making anything better.

What will people think of me? Will they think the same for that poor girl? What happens if I tell someone? What will my mother think of me? What will happen if I don't say anything?

Well, maybe, just maybe, she builds the courage to be able to speak up to others about it. Maybe she might even build the courage to bring him somewhere he belongs.


TW: This review contains mentions of rape, please read on with caution, as you've been warned.

I. Loved. It!

THIS STAYS ON MY FAVORITES SHELF, and WILL FOREVER stay on my favorites shelf. Eden was an amazing character. I enjoy how she eventually realized she shouldn't be judged on something she couldn't control. How she eventually grabbed her life, and put it back on track again.

Eden is the bookworm, the girl who sits in the back reading a book, but also listening, and paying attention to everything going on in class. But when her brothers best friend rapes her, this changes who she was. She believes what happened the night before is her fault. Her fault that she was even that kind of person, her fault because, she is who the person is. Or her fault because she LET it happen. After eventually thinking that the problem is because of her personality, she changes who she is.


From dying her hair a bold, red colour, to drinking to express her pain. She lets go of her dreams for the book club, lets go of her scholarship, and so on. BECAUSE of what happened that night.

But eventually, she does bounce back. I saw foreshadowing halfway through the book while reviewing it all. She does contemplate becoming who she once was before. But then, she believed it was a bad idea.


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