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Need by Joelle Charbonneau

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

What do you really need?

One by one, the teens in Nottawa, Wisconsin, join the newest, hottest networking site and answer one question: What do you need? A new iPhone? Backstage passes to a concert? In exchange for a seemingly minor task, the NEED site will fulfill your request. Everyone is doing it. So why shouldn’t you?

Kaylee Dunham knows what she needs—a kidney for her sick brother. She doesn’t believe a social networking site can help, but it couldn’t hurt to try.

Or could it?

After making her request, Kaylee starts to realize the price that will have to be paid for her need to be met. The demands the site makes on users in exchange for their desires are escalating, and so is the body count. Will Kaylee be able to unravel the mystery of who created the NEED network before it destroys them all?


DNF At 88%

Here's why:
It was good at first, I admit. A few points made no sense at all, and a few points connected with those points that seemed to make no sense (see where im headed?) Anyway, it has a good plot and keeps you intact. No matter how bad it got, I stayed, and kept giving it chances (i give credit for that, giving .5 stars for that) But eventually it got bad to the point where I felt as I just could not take it: Which is why i didn't finish reading.

"..his face goes pale. 'I can explain.' 'Fine, explain to me. Explain how you're helping NEED.'"

SO much crap went down. WHEN I TELL YOU SO MUCH.

See, it started with her brother having some kind of disease that causes him to have kidney failure relapses (she never explained what it was??) Then, SPOILER, her mom abandons her?? TO MAKE THINGS WORSE her BEST FRIEND betrayed her. Like BETRAYED HER. He worked for NEED; In which, at the time, was trying to literally obliterate her.

I have no idea if anyone even noticed, but Noelle made so much happen at one time. Everything kind of overlapped and stuff. Ethan went insane, Nate went insane: Just so much crap goes down: And not positively.

I hate this book so much. (But I give points for keeping me into the plot/topic)



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