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The Clique (#1) by Lisi Harrison

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

Enter Claire Lyons, the new girl from Florida in Keds and two-year-old Gap overalls, who is clearly not Clique material. Unfortunately for her, while they look for a new home, Claire's family is staying in the guesthouse of the one and only Massie Block—Queen Bee of Octavian Country Day School. Claire's future looks worse than a bad Prada knockoff. But with a little luck and a lot of scheming, Claire might just come up smelling like Chanel No. 19.

Meet the rest of the Clique:

Massie Block: With her glossy brunette bob and laser-whitened smile, Massie is the uncontested ruler of The Clique and the rest of the social scene at Octavian Country Day School, an exclusive private girls' school in Westchester County, New York. Massie knows you'd give anything to be just like her.

Dylan Marvil: Massie's second in command who divides her time between sucking up to Massie and sucking down Atkins Diet shakes.

Alicia Rivera: As sneaky as she is beautiful, Alicia floats easily under adult radar because she seems so "sweet." Would love to take Massie's throne one day. Just might.

Kristen Gregory: She's smart, hardworking, and will insult you to tears faster than you can say "my haircut isn't ugly!"



Am I in a whirlpool of 2000s books? Yes. Are they good? Yes. Am I gonna come out? I think I'd rather not, it's relaxing here.

The Clique: The only thing harder then getting in is staying in.

Legit, I thought this was a remaking of Mean Girls. I'm not even kidding. The main character, Massie, has very much Regina George vibes. Her ruling of the whole Clique just signifies this. She makes the rules, has a hella rich family, and doesn't care what people are going through. Or their emotions. Because of anything, she does the things she does ON PURPOSE. Her little minions, Dylan, Kristen, and Alicia are all pretty much the same, but ofc her minions. And I was shocked to finally realize they were only in eighth grade! The way they acted and the way Lisi made them talk made it seem like they were in sophmore year of high school at the least!

BUT CLAIRE is where I started deciding this HAD to be a Mean Girls remake.

She moves into town, fresh and new, wanting to make friends. And she makes friends with The Clique. OF course, unknowingly what she's getting into. Although in mean girls Cady gets into the group on purpose and SLOWLY becomes one of them, it's the exact same in my opinion. Anyway, Claire is what I call a "wannabe". She sees the smack they're talking about her (let's just say Massie is being a little bit of a female dog) She shows constant conversations they have about Claire, and Claire does nothing about it. I MEAN- At least be like Cady and try to sabotage her....

“Are you a female dog?"
"What?" Massie asked. "Why?"
"Because you are acting like a real b***h!

But really, why are there so many one stars??! It's not bad, at all! It may take a moment to grab your attention, sure, but don't many books do the same??

And when I say that Kristen acts like Gretchen. She says whatever Massie says, and does whatever Massie does. There's always that one person in a group. And no shame if you are, I'm just pointing out characters!

Dylan KINDA but also NOT REALLY acts like Karen. She gets so confused often through their plans. (Catch up, Dyl)

But overall, this was a really good novel. And now a series I will be binge-reading forever now. :))

NOTE: When i tell you so many of my teachers that are younger pointed out that they read this book in high school-


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