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The Date by Brenda Scott Royce

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

On the last day of school, Maribel attempts to ask her crush, Evan, out on a date to the bonfire party that night. After multiple failed attempts--including an embarrassing moment caused by a prank--Evan ends up with someone else at the bonfire. That night, Maribel gets a mysterious text from an unknown number offering her a do-over. She accepts and gets to relive the day, this time successfully asking Evan out. But will her date turn out the way she hopes?

This isn’t what I expected. At all.


It was good, I’ll admit. But as the book went on, it began to be cloudy to understand.

I have MANY thoughts that just didn't make sense.

I never truly finished the book, I stopped at page 50. Because when the cops were mentioned, that kinda caught me off guard. I mean, come onnnn. The school's Seniors clearly always have these harmless pranks, but calling the cops because balls were thrown on the floor?!

The plot seems to be aimed towards younger kids, probably around 8-11. The font is absolutely huge, and there are few pages. Not my style, didn't keep me intrigued.

I was out whilst reading this, so I couldn’t really write any notes down from this book, but I could type it up in my notes;

Not really good so far. What is confusing me currently is how did this girl who has a crush, start from a harmless prank, end into something the police needed to be involved in??

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