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The Girl Least Likely by Katy Loutzenhiser

Updated: Aug 30, 2021

Spoiler - Free Synopsis

Gretchen has always been more of a “least likely” than a “most likely” kind of girl. So how does she somehow find herself living out every trope from her favorite rom-coms…?

The Best Friend Crush: Why is it suddenly so hard to act normal around her childhood BFF, Samuel? Must be time for a—

Makeover(!): Black leather pants and some red lipstick are apparently enough to lend Gretchen the bravado to do an impromptu set at a comedy club, and catch the eye of—

The Roguish Bad Boy: Jeremy, the alluring young comic who thinks her name is Sabrina. It might just be—

The Perfect Cover: A funny-girl alter-ego that frees Gretchen to explore who she really is—and what she really wants. But as rom-coms have taught her, leading a double life can only last so long.


I literally LOVED THIS. Okay. So let's just start off with saying, Rom-Coms are now a favorite of mine.

The main character; Gretchen; is a girl who confides in herself. She doesn't DO many things, such as putting herself out there. I can relate. I can understand Gretchen. Her points, her small details towards the reasoning for not being out there. I CAN UNDERSTAND. That's what I love about this. Katy added a character many people can relate to, and the actions that she does.

Love triangle? The romantic interests are kind of all douchebags. EXECPT FOR ONE PERSON; EVAN! I love him, and have loved him since he came into the story. Evan is Sam's OTHER best friend. Who he's blabbered about Gretchen to. Sam, he's a jerk. Like a BIG jerk. See, he was a chill person, until; SPOILER ALERT; He almost kissed Gretchen in the Yoga studio and completely left her hanging and curious. And we don't even see his feelings towards what happened until the end! (i said to much!)

Jeremy. He was the biggest jerk of all. First, they were really, really, really cute. I loved their interactions, their conversations, and the purpose of them meeting. Until I learn his backstory. I'll attempt to summarize what he's done in a way of not spoiling; He is a person who automatically made her DISLIKE him.

A few flaws...

I know alot of novels are like this. Actually alot of rom-coms and cheesy books are like this; But why didn't her mom get mad when she literally cursed at her?! Not my business, but it bothered me so much, lol. If i had done that, I would never get to see the end of it.

Overall, this book gets a five star from me. It's a good book to just sit and read, and it's absolutely AMAZING if you're just getting into Rom-Coms.

"No matter what's going on with me. I feel like my hair could be on fire, and they'd be like, 'Okay, we'll get to that, but first, let's talk about my thing.'"


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