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The Good Girls by Claire Eliza Bartlett

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

The troublemaker. The overachiever. The cheer captain. The dead girl.

Like every high school in America, Jefferson-Lorne High contains all of the above.

After the shocking murder of senior Emma Baines, three of her classmates are at the top of the suspect list: Claude, the notorious partier; Avery, the head cheerleader; and Gwen, the would-be valedictorian.

Everyone has a label, whether they like it or not--and Emma was always known as a good girl. But appearances are never what they seem. And the truth behind what really happened to Emma may just be lying in plain sight. As long-buried secrets come to light, the clock is ticking to find Emma's killer--before another good girl goes down.



NOW TELL ME WHY I continued reading. I did this 'fa y'all. I WENT THROUGH BOOKISH HELL AND BACK 'FA Y'ALL!!

To continue on, I hated it.

You know those books where you're hella excited for it. You got high expectations. This book finna be good, no matter what the reviews are! And then it goes downhill. IM SERIOUS, TOO!

I wanna be 1000000% with you guys: i kinda got sick of the crime, and the accusations.


No one listened to any of the actual given advice they gathered from, you know, the suspects. Each person they investigated GAVE THEM NOTE AND ADVICE on how TO solve this little mystery, BUT THEY REFUSED TO LISTEN. They only paid attention to the fact a girl climbed through a kid's window and which the kid already knew about. LIKE-

Lord knows. LORD KNOWS if this is what actually happens. It might be. Nah. Possiblity, maybe. BUT WITH ALL OF THIS- There is no way they set aside every little clue they give and ask for. As MANY other reviewers note: There was nothing COMPELLING ABOUT THIS. AND COULD THERE BE ONE MYSTERY NOVEL WHERE THERE ISN'T ANYTHING TO GO AGAINST THEM??!

May the New Year Be With You, and this book was a straggling 2 stars.


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