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The Making of a Friend by Latrell Morris

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

A wave of loneliness has hit the nation. Relationships aren’t as fulfilling as they used to be. At Superior Robotics International, a Senior Engineer, Lina Meyers, and her two Junior Engineers, Tiffany and Albert, have come up with a way to combat this. Their latest prototype, Trex, is going to revolutionize the loneliness epidemic and the overwhelming demand for therapists. But, like every prototype, it has its flaws. When those flaws seep through, Lina realizes there’s something far more advanced within Trex than they wanted programmed. There’s no telling what it will say or do.

Inspired by the short story “A Friend for the Lonely”, “The Making of A Friend” is book one of a trilogy, focusing on events from Lina’s perspective.


This was an ARC I recieved from the author herself, and this doesn't impact my review at all, all statements I exclaim are from me and my wording only. Thank You!

- Zoe Harris


Alright! So I enjoyed this a fair bit.

While Sci-Fi and Fantasy aren't much on my To-Do list for reading, slowly shuffling myself towards these generes is working. And to be fair, this wasn't bad! It was set in what seems to be 2025, which is conicidentally, the year I graduate! (lol)

In the first chapter, we start off introduced by our main character, Lina. When I say we start off in the most relatable way! Like, one thing I definetely noticed throughout the book is that Morris added multiple points of relatability. She stubs her toe in the first chapter, didn't know what to think nor say about a cute guy on the elevator in that same chapter, and has a few interjecting problems with the people around her; such as her mother who's trying her hardest to get into her life, lol.

I would definetely catgorize this book under a Science termed Slow Burn and horror, espisally since I could feel the tension and suspense throughout.

Trex is Lina's little robot friend, who you see interact with her often within the story. He's kind, intelligent (obvi), and reminds me a bit like Wall-E from well, WALL-E.

Now, about 75-80% into the book, little Ol' Trex begins seeming to do what I call "Controlling her Life". He didn't like little old Walter (Guy from Elevator) so he'd let her know. She didn't like the way Trex had said it, so let's just say that Trex didn't take that lightly.


We end with such a major cliffhanger, with nothing but a signification of it coming this fall?? I need to read PT. 2, because this finna have me rolling in my sleep.

To finish it off, let's just say robots in the year 2025 aren't so nice...


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1 Comment

Dr Z
Dr Z
Oct 20, 2022

What a thought that maybe in 2 years we will be heading towards having robots as you graduate lol. Thank you

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