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The Testing (#1) By Joelle Charbonneau

Spoiler-Free Synopsis

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Isn't that what they say? But how close is too close when they may be one and the same?

The Seven Stages War left much of the planet a charred wasteland. The future belongs to the next generation's chosen few who must rebuild it. But to enter this elite group, candidates must first pass The Testing—their one chance at a college education and a rewarding career.

Cia Vale is honoured to be chosen as a Testing candidate; eager to prove her worthiness as a University student and future leader of the United Commonwealth. But on the eve of her departure, her father's advice hints at a darker side to her upcoming studies—trust no one.

But surely she can trust Tomas, her handsome childhood friend who offers an alliance? Tomas, who seems to care more about her with the passing of every gruelling (and deadly) day of the Testing.

To survive, Cia must choose: love without truth or life without trust.



Now I'm no fan of Joelle, especially since I've read NEED and hated it (Hey, check out my review here!). But I saw this book and decided to give her another chance, despite the bad reviews. But I guess they were right.

This feels like someone tried to rewrite The Hunger Games after only hearing about it from a drunk friend. -Goodreads User, James Tullos

And I agree with him. Hell, even the cover looks similar to the Hunger Games. All the way from the casting box to the actual competition, it obviously is just a Five Below clearance version.

I read The Hunger Games around September, as I'm in my schools' book club. We did a Homecoming float inspired by The Hunger Games, (and it came out FANTASTIC btw!).

The book is bland, and very boring. Not much goes on to really grab your attention..

What sucks the most is I really kind of expected for this to be good. I thought 'Why not give Joelle another chance?' which is just what I did. Regretfully.

I ranted about this book to a friend, who's never read it. She said, and I quote,

"I mean, look at the cover. It's oddly similar.."



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