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Upcoming May 2022 Releases

Sooo, April showers bring May flowers.. Kidding, anyway, WELCOME TO MAY! Basically, I'm just excited cause school lets' out soon, and PLEASE summer break is needed. Speaking of, here are some books that I thought you MAY (get it, cause it's May) Want to check out and read during Summer Break. AND MY BAD ABOUT THE LACK OF BOOKS, email/comment if you have any other books you know of that release this month, and I'll add them here :)


The Couselors by Jessica Goodman

Sisters by choice.

That’s how Goldie and her best friends, Ava and Imogen, define their friendship, which formed years ago at Camp Alpine Lake.

This year, Goldie is back at camp as a counselor, desperate for summer to start and for Ava and Imo to arrive. With the dark secret Goldie’s been keeping, she’s more in need of their comfort than ever. When the boy who broke Goldie's heart, turns up dead in the lake, this last summer before college is completely upended—and Goldie learns that she’s not the only person at camp who has been lying. Asking questions offers Goldie no answers, only danger and betrayals deeper than she ever imagined.

(Release: 5.31.22)


Break This House by Candice Iloh

Yaminah Okar left Obsidian and the wreckage of her family years ago. She and her father have made lives for themselves in Brooklyn. She thinks she’s moved on to bigger and better things. She thinks she's finally left behind that city she would rather forget. But when a Facebook message about her estranged mother pierces Yaminah’s new bubble, memories of everything that happened before her parents' divorce come roaring back. Now, Yaminah must finally reckon with the truth about her mother and the growing collapse of a place she once called home.

(Release: 5.24.22)


Practice Girl by Estelle Laure

Jo Beckett is looking for love. She's fallen for a few boys, but for some reason, they've never fallen for her. One night, at a party she didn't even want to go to, she finds out the truth. Those boys, who are on the wrestling team she manages, consider her just a “practice girl”—the popular term for girl who’s good enough to hook up with but not to date.

With this crushing revelation, Jo feels so many things--heartsick, ashamed, betrayed, and angry. But she refuses to let that label define her. In piecing her life back together, Jo is forced to unpack more uncomfortable truths about all her relationships--from her best friend to the boy she likes--that help her understand her real worth.

(Release: 5.17.22)


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1 comentario

Dr Z
Dr Z
01 may 2022

Excellent choices for your summer break

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